martes, 16 de septiembre de 2014

Standard form of a line given 2 points

Formula derivation

The Standard equation of a line is a way to represent a 2D line with the following form: $Ax+By=C$

Given two cartesian coordinates in the 2D space, one can calculate the line that intersects both points $(x_1, y_1)$ and $(x_2, y_2)$. To derivate the coefficients A, B and C of the standard equation, I will start with the equation of a straight line that intersects the point $(x_1, y_1)$ and has a slope $m$:
$y - y_1 = m(x - x_1)$ (eq. 1).

The problem with this representation is that the slope $m$  is defined as the change in 'y' with respect to the change in 'x' as $m=\frac{\Delta Y}{\Delta X}=\frac{y_2 - y_1}{x_2 - x_1}$. In the case of vertical lines $x_2 - x_1=0$ and that would undefine the slope for them.

With this context, let us find a more generic representation that can handle vertical lines. Given (eq. 1) we have the following:
$y - y_1 = mx - mx_1$(eq. 2)
$y - mx = y_1 - mx_1$(eq. 3)
The magic trick is to assign A and B as the numerator and denominator of the slope:
$m = \frac{y_2 - y_1}{x_2 - x_1} = \frac{-A}{B}$ (eq. 4)
Then, substitute (eq. 4) in (eq. 3) and do some algebra:
$y - \left( \frac{-A}{B}\right)x = y_1 - \left( \frac{-A}{B}\right)x_1$
$\frac{A}{B}x + y = y_1 + \frac{A}{B}x_1$
$Ax + By = B(y_1 + \frac{A}{B}x_1)$
$Ax + By = By_1 + Ax_1$
Finally, if we rename the right hand side of the equation, the constant side, $C$, we'll have:
$Ax + By = C$
For the constants:
$A = y_1 - y_2$
$B = x_2 - x_1$
$C = Ax_1 + By_1$

Python 3.4 code

# Standard Form of a line Ax + By = C
# inputs: Two 2D points in the format: x-value, y-value
# output: The standard form equation of the line 
#         that passes through those points
# by IF, 9.16.2014
import unittest

answer = 'y'
err = 0;

def printAnswer():
 if (B >= 0):
  print(str(round(A,2)) + "x+" + str(round(B,2)) + "y" " = " + str(round(C,2)))
 if (B < 0):
  print(str(round(A,2)) + "x" + str(round(B,2)) + "y" " = " + str(round(C,2)))
def parseCoords(p):
 global err
 # split by comma
 coordList = p.split(',')
 # validate for 2D coordinates
 if (len(coordList) != 2):
  err = 2
 # validate numeric input
  x = float(coordList[0])
 except ValueError:  
  x = 0
  err = 1
  y = float(coordList[1])
 except ValueError:
  y = 0
  err = 1
 return x, y, err

# From
def GCD(a, b):
 if b == 0:
  return a
  return GCD(b, a % b)
def simplifyEq(a,b,c):
 # check if they are all integers
 global A, B, C
 if ( a%1 == 0 and b%1 == 0 and c%1 == 0):
  a = int(a)
  b = int(b)
  c = int(c)
  gcd = GCD(a,GCD(b,c))
  if (gcd <= 1):
   A = A/gcd;
   B = B/gcd;
   C = C/gcd;
# ------------------
while(answer == 'y'):
 # read input from user
 p = input("Enter 1st point in the format x1,y1: ")
 p = parseCoords(p)
 if(err == 1):
  print("Error 1: Values must be numbers separated by a comma")
  print("Format: x,y")
 elif(err == 2):
  print("Error 2: Only two values are accepted")
  print("Format: x,y")
  x1 = p[0]
  y1 = p[1]
  p = input("Enter 2nd point in the format x2,y2: ")
  p = parseCoords(p)
  if(err == 1):
   print("Error 1: Values must be numbers separated by a comma")
   print("Format: x,y")
  elif(err == 2):
   print("Error 2: Only two values are accepted")
   print("Format: x,y")
   x2 = p[0]
   y2 = p[1]
   # For the derivation go to:
   A = y1 - y2
   B = x2 - x1
   C = A*x1 + B*y1
   # can the coefficients be simplified?
 answer = input("Test again? [y/n]: ")
 if (answer == 'y'):
  err = 0

# --------------------  
class MyTest(unittest.TestCase):
 def test_GCD(self):
 def test_simplifyEq(self):
  raised = False
   raised = True
  self.assertFalse(raised, 'Exception rised')
if __name__ == '__main__':

Upload of python and Google App Engine

Further info on Python + Google App Engine. Uploaded by Stefano Locati:

miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014

How to delete recovery partition Windows 7

In order to Install linux (Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS) I needed to make some space. Windows 7 was installed with 4 primary partitions. Windows usually needs 2. One for is system reserved and the other one is the C: drive. But my installation had 2 more for a System Recovery (12.8GB) and a HP Tools(104MB). The reason you need to remove them is becasue Linux also needs to partitions: The main OS and the swap space, and you cannot have more than 4 primary. So, this video helped a lot on how to re-partition with windows partition manager. Cheers.

domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2013

lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2012

Add spell checker to TexWorks

(TexWorks 2.8 on Windows XP)
1.- Obtaining dictionaries

There is a list of available dictionaries at:
TeXworks can only use the spelling dictionaries (*.dic and *.aff) for each language; To get them, rename the downloaded .oxt file to .zip and extract the spelling dictionary files (they may be contained in a subdirectory).

2.- Installing

To find the correct folder, use "Help -> Settings and Resources...", navigate to the "Resources" folder given there, and finally put the spelling dictionaries in the dictionaries folder (if it doesn't exist, create it).

By default, the TeXworks resources directory should be located in your "user profile" directory, typically C:\Documents and Settings\Your Name\. This is automatically created the first time you run TeXworks, and some default resources are copied there.

There should be a dictionaries subdirectory, but it is initially empty. Place the *.dic and *.aff files there, and then re-start TeXworks (Taken from